Requisitos de Delitos y Delincuentes Sexuales
Sex crimes have become modern-day witch hunts. Centuries ago, all it took was one person to say someone was a witch and, with no further evidence, the accused was found guilty and punished with the death penalty. Today, all it takes is one adult or minor to make accusations of rape or child molestation and the public goes into a frenzy. The prosecution believes everything the accuser says, often with little or no corroboration. Tragically, the punishments can be extremely severe, including life in prison, depending on the facts of the case and whether the person was charged in state or federal court.
At the Law Offices of David A. Breston, we handle all types of sex crimes, whether misdemeanor or felony, including:
- Rape
- Rape of the person with the exit
- Spousal rape
- Rape
- Aggravated Sexual Abuse
- Sexual Abuse of a Minor
- False Memory Syndrome (FMS)
- Indecent Exposure
- Munchausen Syndrome by Third Person
- Possession of Child Pornography
- Pornography on the Internet
- Sexual assaults
- Lewd Conduct
- Prostitution